Do you want to stop the stigma?

If so – become a member of the STOP SOCIAL HOUSING STIGMA campaign!

We want YOU to sign up as a STOP SOCIAL HOUSING STIGMA member to demonstrate your support for our campaign.  Everyone can join by completing the forms in the links below.  You can download SSHS’s membership flyer here if you wish to share it with others.

There are three types of membership:

FULL MEMBERSHIP – available to all tenants of social housing landlords (those listed on your tenancy agreement)

SUPPORTER MEMBERSHIP – available to anyone else who supports the campaign, such as tenants of non-social housing landlords, residents, staff, politicians or any other individual

CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP – available to organisations who support the campaign, such as landlords, contractors, suppliers of services to social housing landlords, tenant groups or any other organisation

All our members can attend our membership meetings (which are held online), but only full tenant members may vote.  STOP SOCIAL HOUSING STIGMA is a small national tenant led campaign with few resources.  Therefore, our communications with our members are usually done online.

Your FREE membership of the campaign offers you the opportunity to:

  • show your solidarity with the campaign – joining a growing number of tenants, landlords and others who are becoming members
  • receive quarterly bulletins about what the campaign is doing
  • receive information/materials to help you campaign with us in your local area
  • send us your positive stories of social housing tenants and how social housing has helped them as well as your social housing stigma stories
  • attend and participate in our planned webinars about social housing stigma
  • suggest other ideas about how membership of Stop Social Housing Stigma could benefit you. Please get in touch with us to let us know your views.

 STOP SOCIAL HOUSING STIGMA is a tenant led campaign aimed primarily at tenants, but we also welcome support from social housing providers and others.

The campaign does not publicise who individual members of the campaign are, but our corporate members are as follows:

  • Aaron Services Ltd
  • Babergh District Council
  • Bournville Village Trust
  • Broxtowe Borough Council
  • Chartered Institute of Housing
  • Eden Housing Association
  • Flagship Group
  • Great Places Housing Group
  • Greatwell Homes
  • Kinovo
  • Leeds Federated Housing Association
  • Lincolnshire Rural Housing Association
  • LiveWest
  • Mid Suffolk District Council
  • Newark and Sherwood District Council
  • Nottingham City Council Housing Services
  • Places for People
  • South Essex Homes
  • Stonewater
  • St Leger Homes
  • Tentacles Consultancy
  • Thirteen Group
  • TPAS
  • Trident Housing Group
  • YD Consultants