Get involved as a tenant

Firstly – if you haven’t already done so, you can show your support and solidarity with tackling stigma by becoming a campaign member.  Its FREE to join.  Go HERE to complete the membership form.  

There are many other ways you can get involved with the Stop Social Housing Stigma campaign!  We want you to get involved as much or as little as you want!  You can:

  • Encourage your fellow tenants to become campaign members.
  • Ask your landlord to support and become a member of the campaign. Its FREE for them to join also!  Ask them to consider our “landlord pack” setting out how they can help.  Ask contractors and anyone else you come across to become campaign members.
  • Attend our free member webinars to discuss issues relating to social housing stigma. We will publicise them to our members, so please make sure you become a member!
  • We are currently working with others to prepare a tackling stigma journey planner aimed at tackling social housing stigma. When it is ready, we will send it to you, and we will look forward to hearing your views on it.
  • Become a Stop Social Housing Stigma tenant ambassador – raising social housing stigma issues locally where you live. We will be producing a guide on what this means.
  • Raise social housing stigma as a political issue with your local MP and other politicians. We will be producing a guide on how to do this in the near future.
  • Tell us about instances of social housing stigma you have come across. We aim to publicise examples of social housing stigma. 
  • Tell us about positive stories about you as a social housing tenant. We want to get across that there are millions of wonderful social housing tenants who make great contributions to communities all over the country.
  • Or simply send us an email at and we will try to get back to you.